Soap Reviews

IMAG1489-1-1024x348 Soap Reviews - Handmade Soaps by Dawn
Soaps by Dawn – Handmade Soaps

Her soaps are made in small batches using the highest quality ingredients. Their herbal concoctions are sourced locally, when possible, from a variety of organic and wildcrafted herbs. A small business after my own heart.

7 thoughts on “Soap Reviews

  1. I just love the feel of your soap!! They smell amazing and make me feel so good. They make great gifts, too!!

  2. Pineapple is my favorite, smells amazing and my skin is soft all day!! Keep up the great work SOAPS by Dawn…. I’ll need to re-order soon!

  3. We love, love, love your soap! We’ve been using Soaps by Dawn for over 6 months now, it would be hard to identify a favorite scent! Thank you for opening a website, now I can order online anytime of the day/night.

  4. I love Dawn’s soaps!!! Not only do they make my skin feel wonderful but my entire bathroom smells great all the time just leaving the bar on the sink.

  5. LOVE these soaps….have bought about 15 so far….Love the way it makes my skin feel…and lathers really well….AWESOME gifts too

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